Surface well project in Nigeria.

Nigeria’s State Assembly several projects including the project (Surface well) in areas most in need of water sources in order to:
Fight against diseases linked to water pollution and the environment.
Providing safe drinking water to help the poor.
Contribution to social development and environmental sanitation.

Justification for this project were:
Many towns and villages need to clean drinking water.
The high proportion of deaths from thirst and diseases associated with contaminated water.
Huge numbers of livestock deaths.

The project is as follows:
Dig 1 surface wells with the following specifications:
Depth 40 – 50 metres.
Outdoor drinking cattle
Hand pump

Elements of the project’s success:
Qatar Charity experience in all aspects and their capacity to implement projects.
Clear planning project, action plan and actionable.
Continuous coordination with all parties and the relevant authorities

Project duration 4 months from the start date.

Total project cost: